Sunday, January 13, 2013

My Golden Globes Acceptance Speech

As awards show season is in full swing, I found myself asking the question of “If I were to win that award, who would I be thanking?”  The quick and easy answer is that I would never have to thank anyone because I can’t act or sing well enough to ever win an award for it.

The blog worthy answer is this – The award that I’ve already won is found in all the doors that are being opened right now, and in all the opportunities I’ve been given in these past few years.  I’m in a place right now where I really can be whatever I want to be when I “grow up” if I just do the work – and there are so many people who were vital in me getting to this point.  (Fun fact, I got to see several of them today and I hadn’t even planned on it.) 

So, in honor of tonight’s awards – the Golden Globes – I’ll list these as quickly as possible before the association tells me to shut up with class.

Iwanttothankmyhighschoolyouthminister,whowasthefirstpersonwhocalledmeonallmycrapandnevergaveuponmebecauseofit. Iwanttothankmycurrentboss,whoisalsoayouthminister,forshowingmehowtoasktoughquestionsandhowtosurvivejuniorhighmissiontripsandslumsimulationsandcryingseventhgradegirlsamongsomanyotherthings.
Umm. Uhhh. Ehhhh.
(Stuttering is important because it makes it look like you weren't expecting any recognition)
IwanttothankmyhighschoolsoccercoachwhoIamstillconvincedhatedmeforthreewholeyears.EverytimeIthinkaboutquittingsomethingIdecidenottosothatIcanpretendtorubherfaceinmyhappinessandsuccess-andmostimportantlymyhumbleness.(Thisone’s acompletejoke)
Iwanttothankmyparentsforbirthingmeandmygrandparentsforbirthingthemandmy greatgrandparentsandso-onandsoforth. Ohandmybrotherbecauseitwouldhavebeenweirdtohavebeenanonlychildandtohaveneverhadsomeoneshoothockeypucksatmeandtrickmeintothinkingyoucouldpushacarupthedriveway(sorryforalmostkillingyouwhenyoudidthat). 

Okay, its exhausting to type without spaces, and its getting late, and I can hear them playing me out with that classical music.

Happy Awards Season.